The initial objective is to get the product from the manufacturer to the consumer. In order for the product to arrive at its final destination safely, fully functional and in top quality, its packaging requires an equally high level of quality. The starting point for packaging is therefore not the barrier film, but the product to be packaged. Experience and knowledge of these aspects form the basis of our project development. We know: The products to be packaged from the food and non-food sectors are very diverse and therefore include very different requirements for our composite films.
Product-specific packaging solution
Regardless of whether an entire loaf of cheese ripens in its packaging or an innovative composite film is used to protect ham or spareribs – the aim is often not only to protect packaged products but also to present them attractively at the point of sale.
This is why every sophisticated packaging solution is basically a product-specific development in which the conditions of the product determine the development direction. Production volume, production conditions, the distribution system and the marketing needs of the respective manufacturer must be included in this development as parameters for a tailor-made packaging solution. In product development at ALLVAC, these parameters are clarified in advance so that an optimal result is achieved. As soon as all relevant information is available, aspects such as the lowest possible material consumption and costs or an attractive presentation of the product can be taken into account.