Our product development is guided by the question: What are our customers’ requirements? The answers are found in our in-house laboratory and application technology centre. The background is that special products demand sophisticated packaging solutions. The parameters of the objectives are as varied as the tasks themselves. Food, industrial goods, textiles or even cash money are optimally packaged in ALLVAC barrier films. Sometimes, however, there is increased demand for more innovation, higher resilience, ultimate gloss or extreme puncture resistance. Manufacturers of thermoforming packaging machines consistently challenge our product development to create the appropriate film for their latest innovations.
Product development responds to questions concerning the future
Our product department also designs films made from renewable raw materials. In doing so, we provide answers to important questions concerning the future and modern environmental protection. We are proud to refer to this product development as our films, which completely dispense with polyamide, offer best sealing properties, a high degree of transparency and excellent gloss. The test runs in our application technology centre have by all means been successful, so it is not surprising that the market and our customers value the sample packs produced on our thermoforming packaging machines.
Smallest aspects become visible under the microscope
Under the microscope we examine our films down to the smallest aspects of a well-functioning and reliable packaging solution. In the laboratory, the formulas of our films are refined, adapted and, accordingly, further developed. Our films are mostly used for packaging food in order to provide longer shelf life and a convincing appearance at the point of sale. At the same time, the demands on the performance of the packaging are high, due to the fact that they are used for cooking, pasteurising and sterilising. Product development ensures that your products look appetising, retain their good taste, remain strong selling and are protected all around in favour of an increased shelf life.
Your benefits in overview:
- We ask: What exactly is the client’s requirement?
- We create the matching film for your latest innovations
- We design sustainable films
- We focus on quality and appearance
Which project would you like to entrust to our product development? We look forward to hearing from you. Simply give us a call or write to us.